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Community Involvement 
Remodeling with a Purpose

Residential Specialties Cares About Our Community

At Residential Specialties we are proud to support our community. This community includes: Liberty Hill, Bertram, Leander & surrounding areas of Texas. 

We specifically donate a portion of our revenue to local churches and sponsor a handful of church events in Liberty Hill, Texas. In addition, Residential Specialties actively participates in church fundraising events by giving their time and skills to help churches continue to spread the word. It is our way of giving back to the community that has given us so much. 

If you know of a church organization that could use our help, we want to hear about it. Contact us!

Cowboy Church Rodeo Texas

Gratitude By Giving Back

As proud members of Williamson County Cowboy Church, Residential Specialties actively participates in local events whose missions are to help strengthen the community with support, skills and resources they need to overcome any challenges that come their way. Here are some events that we are blessed to sponsor and participate in regularly

Community Projects Showcase

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